Monday, March 10, 2008

How Do You Spell Relief?

I received this in an email this morning...

Congratulations! The IRS has accepted your federal tax return. There's nothing else you need to do.


(When there's no "Complete Jane Austen" on Sunday night, there's nothing else to do but e-file taxes.)


klh said...

Hey, I just noticed your profile and laughed - I'm a Ph.D. student at Princeton Seminary in Old Testament and had intended to become a professor/scholar, and I am still praying about it, but I just had a baby 18 months ago and I'm figuring out that life will never be the same. I stay at home with my daughter (I'm working on the dissertation, and so it works, although it makes things slower), and I'm thinking that homeschooling is the way to go. It is clear to me that this little girl needs her mom, and I'm it. So I have to rethink my entire calling - there has to be a way in which all of me, including my motherhood AND my scholarship, makes sense. I want to be faithful with my gifts, and I'm just at the beginning of figuring out how to do this well. I had NO idea this would happen when I found out I was pregnant. But I know that my daughter is completely a gift from God, and God certainly knew this would happen. I'm still planning on at least finishing the degree and certainly hopefully doing something with it, but I don't know how to reconcile all the contradictions. All my professors have been so encouraging and still want me to keep going and do well... Anyway, when I saw your profile I thought, "Hmmm... others have walked this journey before," and it gave me encouragement. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Better now than at the last minute, eh?