Sunday, February 05, 2006

about me

I'm tired of looking at the About Me text at the top of my blog. I've been trying for about an hour to edit the template code so you have to click on "view my complete profile" to see the text displayed about me. I can remove the entire profile including the "view my complete profile" link; but I don't want to do that. I only want to remove the text.

If I sound frustrated, I am. I could change the entire template to one that is already set up that way, but I like the "scribe" look. I don't want to change that. I should be able to modify the html. I've been programming computers since the 70s. I started with FortranIV when I was an engineering major. Back then, you had to punch up your programs on punch cards, hand them in at the computer room window, and wait for you results to print out. I remember spending many late nights in the computer center. Ah, what fond memories! Kind of like trying to edit the HTML template in my blog.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of hosted blogs. You know you're hooked when you decide it's time to make modifications :)

Good luck on this. I have a feeling you'll be designing new Blogger templates in no time.