Sunday, November 12, 2006

Better or Worse, Part Two

In the interest of putting this behind me I offer the following words to complete my description of the car crash that totalled my car about two weeks ago:

ambulance ride, bleeding head, concussion, nausea, emergency room, morphine, stitches, headache...

As I said, I'm much better now. The headache is almost gone, stitches are out and only a part of the back of my head is still numb. I still don't remember anything about the crash.

I thank God for several of the moms from Aimee's gym. One of them followed the ambulance and stayed with me in the emergency room. She told Chuck later how the hospital people left me alone and strapped in to this backboard stretcher thing and when I threw up she was the one who unstrapped me and helped me turn on my side. I shudder to think what would have happened if she hadn't been there. (My advice, never go to an emergency room alone.)

Another of the moms came later and stayed with me until they released me at about midnight. She took me home and made sure I was okay. Another of the moms took Aimee home from gym and brought her to my neighbor's house to spend the night. I'm very thankful for all the help and kindness of the people in the gym.

Chuck and Eric had just arrived in Texas when they got a call about the accident. Chuck arranged for Eric to stay with friends so he wouldn't have to miss the youth concert and meetings and seeing his friends. Then he caught the first flight home and got home shortly after I did, at about 1 in the morning. All in all it was a very forgettable experience. Oh, did I mention we're getting a new car?

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