Monday, April 24, 2006

A Fanning Fan Moment

This is a scan of the Dakota Fanning autograph that Aimee got at the American Girl Place this past weekend. In case you can't make it out it says, "Love, Dakota Fanning, Age 12".

This weekend was the grand opening of the American Girl Place in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles "Place" joins two other American Girl places, one in New York and the other in Chicago. Besides having all the dolls and their accessories on display for sale, you can get your doll's hair done, eat or have tea in the American Girl cafe or watch one of the performances of American Girl theatre.

I had promised Aimee that I would take her to visit as soon as it opened so we went to "scope it out" on Saturday after her gymnastics class. Chuck and I had both gone to watch Aimee's gymnastics class so Chuck was with us when we went to the American Girl place. Of course, Chuck wasn't so thrilled about going into such a "girlie" place but I convinced him to come in.

We were upstairs in the "Bitty Baby Room" when Chuck spotted Dakota Fanning with her little sister and her Mom. Chuck always manages to spot stars. I'm just not that observant, I guess. Anyway, it was a thrill for Aimee to meet her; and she was very nice and signed the American Girl brochure for Aimee. I wouldn't have asked for the autograph but she seemed to be enjoying meeting the little girls and interacting with them.

So we had a fun time at the American Girl place and got to meet the star of one of Aimee's favorite movies, Uptown Girls. Next time we go I promised Aimee we could eat at the cafe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow that's so cool that you met Dakota!