Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a bear with dog ears named Teddy. Teddy had a rabbit friend appropriately named, Rabbit. Many days they would share an adventure together on a boat adrift in a sea of hot lava. They would help each other to not fall into the sea of hot lava and also enjoy some time playing together at their "houses" on the boat.
That was then. Now Teddy is just a discarded plaything, no longer precious to his, "oh so over that boy of fourteen". Rabbit was a mother's day gift to me. She was chosen for me by my two or three year old son so I would have a stuffed animal to play with. She is still very precious to me. I recently rescued Teddy from the bottom of a pile of old stuffed animals collecting dust in a "practically ancient" crib in our guest room.
Teddy no longer sports his spiffy green bow tie. He is somewhat discolored by years of being dragged from place to place. But if you look closely you can still see the marks of ownership on his foot, Eric M., placed there in permanent marker so he wouldn't be misplaced when he was taken to daycare or even to kindergarten.
Teddy and Rabbit sitting on the bed as they are in the picture bring back memories of many pleasant mornings, when Eric and I would play "hot lava" together on the bed that was a safe haven of a boat. We kept Teddy and Rabbit from the dangers of touching the floor of "hot lava".
Well that was then and this is now. And fourteen year old boys no longer have "Teddys". But Teddy and Rabbit will always be special for me; bringing back those special memories of cuddling together; reveling in the wonder of being a Mom to a wonderful little boy who wanted me to use my imagination to play with him. Teddy and Rabbit are always welcome on my bed.
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